Scientific Calculator

Online Scientific Calculator

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A scientific calculator is a special calculator designed to perform a variety of mathematical and scientific calculations. Unlike basic calculators, which are usually limited to basic arithmetic operations, scientific calculators are equipped with functions and features that perform more advanced mathematical tasks. Some common features found in scientific calculators include:

  • Trigonometric functions: Sine, cosine, tangent and their inverses.
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions: powers, logarithms and exponentiation.
  • Square roots and nth root functions: calculations involving roots of numbers.
  • Statistical Functions: Mean, standard deviation and other statistical calculations.
  • Fraction and Decimal Operations: Support for manipulating fractions and decimals.
  • Complex number operations: Real and imaginary parts of complex numbers.
  • Matrix operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and other matrix-related calculations.

Scientific calculators are commonly used by students, engineers, scientists and professionals in various fields where complex calculations are required. They are especially useful for tasks such as algebra, geometry, calculus, physics, and engineering. Modern scientific calculators may also include additional features such as graphing capabilities, programmability, and a wide range of pre-programmed functions.
