Age Calculator

In today's world, where dates and times are vital components of various systems and applications, calculating age accurately is a common requirement. Whether for administrative purposes, health assessment, or simply out of curiosity, age calculation plays an important role in many aspects of life. In this article, we will explore the basic principles of age calculation and how you can easily apply the age calculator in different contexts.

Basics of Age Calculation:

Age calculation revolves around determining how many years a person has lived based on their date of birth (DOB) and the current date. Although this may seem straightforward, several factors need to be considered to ensure accurate results.

Here are the details of the essential steps involved in age calculation:

Capture Date of Birth (DOB): Date of birth serves as the starting point for age calculation. It shows the day, month and year of a person's birth.

Get the current date: The current date provides the reference point to determine the age of the person at the current time. This includes the current day, month and year.

Calculate age: Subtract the year of birth from the current year. Adjustments may be necessary if the current date falls before the person's birthday in the same year.

Age Calculator
